Does it feel like life is running you instead of you LIVING your life?

I help overwhelmed, uninspired humans switch from endless to dos to find your 20%. Learn how to optimize your time in only 15 minutes a day to eliminate the busy work that is consuming your most precious commodity: time. It's time to make space for more joy, ease and purpose in your day to day!

Take back control of your GOOD life in the No Fuss Academy.

Hey, I'm Michelle!

Habits and Discipline I Wellness Coach

For the last 12 years I have had a deep passion for health, wellness, fitness and optimization! With a background as a certified Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutrition and Holistic Health Coach, teaching others how good it feels to feel GOOD sets my soul on fire. But let's be honest, as a high performer, just doing the task isn't good enough. I want to do it in the most effective way possible!

It kills me when I see hard working humans putting in the work without seeing the epic results they desire. Whether you know exactly what you want and aren't taking effective action on it OR you have no idea what the heck you want but know you are made for more - I SEE YOU!

I have helped 100's of incredible humans find their 20% to create more ease in the day through simple systems, rediscover what brings you joy all while making S P A C E to incorporate purpose back into your daily life!

Let's grow!

Example Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Mindset, Priorities & Values
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Simplify Day to Day
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Simple Systems to Find Your 20%
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Moving Forward
Available in days
days after you enroll

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